Hint: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong

Table of Contents

  1. Why Squats Are Essential
  2. Step-by-Step Guide to a Perfect Squat
  3. Common Squat Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
  4. Advanced Squat Techniques
  5. Squat Myths Debunked
  6. Final Thoughts

Why Squats Are Essential

Squats are the king of all exercises because they:

  • Build strength in your legs, core, and glutes 🍑
  • Increase mobility and flexibility
  • Boost athletic performance (jump higher, run faster)
  • Burn serious calories (goodbye, dad bod)
  • Prevent injuries by strengthening stabilizer muscles

📖 Research Backed: According to a study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, squats improve functional movement patterns and reduce the risk of knee and lower back injuries.

🎥 Watch This: Dr. Peter Attia on Why Squats Are a Must

Step-by-Step Guide to a Perfect Squat

  1. Set Your Stance: Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly out.
  2. Brace Your Core: Imagine someone is about to punch you in the stomach. 💥
  3. Engage Your Lats: Pull your shoulders down and back.
  4. Hinge at Your Hips: Push your hips back before bending your knees.
  5. Lower Down: Aim for thighs parallel to the floor (or lower if mobility allows).
  6. Keep Knees Aligned: Don’t let them cave in! 🏗️
  7. Drive Up: Press through your heels, extend hips, and stand tall.

🎥 Watch This: Andrew Huberman Explains Proper Squat Mechanics

Common Squat Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

MistakeWhy It’s BadHow to Fix It
Knees caving inIncreases injury riskPush knees out as you squat
Lifting heelsReduces power, strains kneesKeep weight on heels and midfoot
Rounding the backLeads to back painEngage core, keep chest up
Not squatting deep enoughLimits gainsWork on mobility and depth
Looking upThrows off balanceKeep neck neutral

🚨 Pro Tip: Filming yourself squatting is the easiest way to spot and correct these mistakes. Just don’t let your gym crush catch you analyzing your form like a detective. 🕵️‍♂️

Advanced Squat Techniques

Once you’ve nailed the basics, level up with these:

  • Box Squats (Build explosive strength 💥)
  • Pause Squats (Increase time under tension ⏳)
  • Tempo Squats (Control = more gains 🎯)
  • Overhead Squats (Test mobility & stability 🏋️)

🎥 Watch This: How to Add Tempo to Your Squats

Squat Myths Debunked

  1. Squats are bad for your knees ❌ False! When done correctly, they strengthen your knees.
  2. You must squat ATG (Ass to Grass) ❌ Not true! Depth depends on mobility and biomechanics.
  3. More weight = better squats ❌ Nope. Quality > Quantity when it comes to form.

👀 Moral of the story: Don’t be that guy ego-lifting half-reps with terrible form. Nobody’s impressed, bro. 😆

Final Thoughts

Squatting with perfect form will help you lift heavier, prevent injuries, and make serious gains. Keep these in mind:

  • Practice good form over heavy weights
  • Film yourself to check your technique
  • Mobility + Stability = Better Squats
  • Listen to your body, not your ego

👉 Try these squat tweaks and let me know which worked best for you! Drop a comment below if you have questions or just want to brag about your PR. 🏋️💪😂